Sicherheitsupdate Collax V-Bien 6.5.24 und Collax V-Cube 6.8.20


Security Update V-Cube 6.8.20 and V-Bien 6.5.24

This update focuses on protection against the Spectre-V4 and Foreshadow/L1TF processor gaps. Minor issues with web admin GUI or virtualized hardware have been fixed. In addition, the versions offer current hardware support of the storage controllers of the megaraid_sas series by the included LTS kernel 4.9.124. NV-Me drives are also actively monitored by the Collax systems.

All details can be found in the product release notes:

» V-Cube und V-Cube+ 6.8.20
» V-Bien 6.5.24
» Speculative Store Bypass (SSB) Vulnerability Information (CVE-2018-3639)