The optimal alternative to VMware and DataCore


Highly available IT infrastructure for the VG Hoernergruppe

Following an extensive evaluation, the Hörnergruppe administrative community has opted for a new IT platform, placing its trust in Collax and ICO. This decision proved to be the right one: A fast and smooth implementation as well as efficient and stable IT operations convinced the IT team.

Wolfgang Moch, IT Manager, Hörnergruppe administrative community summarizes:
“The commissioning and operation of a Collax solution is a walk in the park compared to other solutions such as VMware and DataCore. To put it casually: We were used to suffering. For every update, we locked ourselves away as an IT team for three days and consulted an external consultant. Those days are over. With Collax, everything runs smoothly. This is a new and interesting experience for us.”

Read in our reference how easy it was to switch from VMware to Collax High Availability>